Perth Monumental Works
483 Great Eastern Highway Redcliffe WA 6104
Phone 08 9478 2633
Metropolitan Cemeteries Board (MCB)
The installation, structural maintenance and amendment to monuments (i.e. the traditional headstone) within burial areas at Fremantle Cemetery, Karrakatta Cemetery, Midland Cemetery, Guildford Cemetery, Pinnaroo Memorial Plaque, and Rockingham Regional Memorial Park can only be undertaken by a licensed Monumental Mason. The licencing of Monumental Masons is a legislative function of the MCB and ensures that families can enlist the services of accredited providers who will ensure that their monument is constructed to Australian Standards.
The M.C.B's Cemetery Records System holds records of interments, entombments, cremations, and memorials dating back to 1899. It includes Karrakatta, Fremantle, Pinnaroo, Midland, Guildford and Rockingham cemeteries. This information is available to the public via the name search facility.
(The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board took over administration of Guildford and Midland cemeteries from the Shire of Swan in 1989. All available records have been included in their system however, it is believed that some records are not complete.)
Whilst Perth Monumental Works does not provide Roadside Memorials, we understand that placing one helps in the grieving process.
The above link provides information on the type of memorials that Main Roads (Western Australia) allows and how to correctly go about installing one.